Highlights from EthCC 2024: Key Takeaways

The atmosphere was electric, with developments such as the ETH ETF edging closer to approval drew a larger crowd than previous years. Still, conversations were rooted in technological development and improvement in the crypto space.

Jul 18, 2024


Humanity Protocol recently attended EthCC 2024, held in Brussels from July 8-11.

The atmosphere was electric, with developments such as the ETH ETF edging closer to approval drawing a larger crowd than in previous years. Still, conversations were rooted in technological development and improvement in the crypto space. Humanity Protocol attended the conference with the goal of forging meaningful partnerships to drive the Proof of Humanity (PoH) initiative forward.

Here are the key highlights:

The Key to Mass Adoption

Sergej Kunz, co-founder of 1inch, delivered an insightful presentation on how intent-based DeFi could pave the way for mass adoption. He discussed the challenges and solutions in making decentralized finance more intuitive and accessible to everyday users. He added that by simplifying transactions and enhancing user experience, DeFi platforms can attract a broader audience and facilitate widespread use.

As an intent-based project with user experience at its heart, Humanity Protocol prides itself on creating a fair and inclusive digital ecosystem that values genuine human participation and contribution. By leveraging advanced identity verification methods, the protocol ensures that each participant is a unique individual, thereby mitigating the risks associated with Sybil attacks. This commitment to authenticity not only enhances the security and trustworthiness of decentralized governance models but also promotes a more equitable distribution of decision-making power across the network.

Watch the presentation here.

AI Asset Class with Optimistic Machine Learning

This session introduced the novel concept of a new AI asset class through Initial Model/Agent Offerings (IMO/IAO). The discussion highlighted how AI can optimize blockchain processes, improve efficiency, and create new value streams within the blockchain ecosystem.

The potential for AI to revolutionize blockchain technology was a key takeaway, emphasizing its role in future developments. PoH utilizes AI and machine learning to maintain the accuracy of its biometric processes. These technologies help in continuously improving the precision of identity verification, reducing false positives and negatives. Moreover, they enable adaptive learning, ensuring that the system evolves with emerging biometric patterns and threats.

The full presentation is available here.

Gavin Wood on Building True Unstoppability

Ethereum co-founder, Gavin Wood, shared his vision for creating unstoppable decentralized systems. He explored the technical and philosophical aspects of decentralization, emphasizing the need for resilient and adaptable blockchain networks. 

His insights into the future of Ethereum and its potential to transform various industries were particularly compelling to the Humanity team, as we prepare to launch our testnet.

Watch the full presentation here.

Moving forward

EthCC 2024 featured multiple discussions on the evolution of decentralized governance models and the latest advancements in privacy-preserving smart contracts. These sessions highlighted the importance of secure, transparent, and confidential transactions in maintaining the integrity and trust of blockchain systems.

In addition to these advancements, building Sybil-resistant systems is crucial for the continued growth and security of decentralized networks. Sybil attacks pose a significant threat to the integrity of decentralized governance. Implementing Sybil-resistant mechanisms like PoH ensures that governance models remain fair and representative of the actual community as Ethereum, as exemplified by the great turnout at EthCC this year, continues to grow.