Exploring the Use Cases of Proof of Humanity

Humanity Protocol is poised to revolutionize how we verify identities online across with its innovative PoH mechanism that'll benefit various industries.

Jul 25, 2024

Digital identity

The need for secure and reliable identity verification systems has never been more critical. According to Cifas, a UK fraud prevention service, identity fraud made up almost 70% of cases filed to the National Fraud Database — a shocking figure that demonstrates the need for more robust identity verification frameworks.

Humanity Protocol is poised to revolutionize how we verify identities online with its innovative Proof of Humanity (PoH) mechanism, which ensures each user is a unique human being. By utilizing palm recognition technology, Humanity Protocol offers a robust solution for digital identity verification, with a wide range of use cases across various industries.

Use Cases of Proof of Humanity

Secure financial transactions

Financial institutions are constantly seeking ways to enhance security and prevent fraud. With PoH, banks and financial services can authenticate customers with high accuracy, ensuring that transactions are conducted by legitimate individuals. 

The same report cited above by Cifas also reported that the banking sector continues to be heavily targeted by fraudsters. This technology can help reduce identity theft and unauthorized access to accounts, providing a more secure banking experience for customers.


When a customer logs into their online banking account, the bank can use palm recognition technology to verify their identity, adding an extra layer of security to attest that the individual is indeed who they claim to be.

Enhancing e-commerce security

E-commerce platforms, especially marketplaces, face challenges related to fraudulent transactions and account takeovers. By integrating PoH, these platforms can verify the identities of both buyers and sellers, reducing the risk of scams and unauthorized activities. This technology can also streamline the checkout process, providing a smoother experience for genuine customers.


When a user creates an account on an e-commerce platform, they can verify their identity using palm recognition, establishing trust between buyers and sellers.

Access control in workplaces and secure facilities

Access control is essential for workplaces and secure facilities to ensure that only authorized personnel can enter certain areas. Traditional access methods like key cards and passwords can be easily lost or stolen. PoH offers a more secure alternative by using biometric authentication to grant access, making it nearly impossible for unauthorized individuals to gain entry — a functionality that is especially useful for workplaces that deal with sensitive information.


Employees at a research facility can gain access to restricted areas by scanning their palms at entry points, ensuring that only authorized personnel can enter sensitive zones.

Improving Healthcare Authentication

In the healthcare industry, verifying patient identities is crucial for accurate medical records and delivering appropriate care. PoH can enhance patient authentication, ensuring that medical records are linked to the correct individuals and preventing identity-related errors in treatment.


When a patient arrives at a hospital for a scheduled procedure, their identity can be verified using palm recognition, ensuring that the right treatment is administered to the right person.

Streamlining Educational Credentials

Educational institutions often face challenges in verifying student credentials and qualifications. PoH can simplify this process by providing verifiable digital credentials that attest to a student's identity and achievements. This technology can facilitate secure sharing of academic records with employers and other institutions.


A graduate applying for a job can provide a digital credential verified through PoH, ensuring that the employer receives authentic information about their educational background.

Digital Identity Management for Decentralized Applications

With the rise of DApps, managing digital identities in a secure and decentralized manner is becoming increasingly important. PoH can serve as a reliable identity verification mechanism for DApps, allowing users to interact securely and privately within decentralized ecosystems.


A user accessing a blockchain-based social media platform can verify their identity using palm recognition, ensuring that interactions are genuine and trustworthy.

Looking ahead

Humanity Protocol's PoH mechanism offers a versatile solution for digital identity verification across various industries. From enhancing security in financial transactions to preventing fraud in online voting and streamlining access control, this technology provides a robust and reliable way to authenticate individuals while preserving privacy and security. 

As we move towards a more digital future, the applications of PoH are bound to expand, offering new possibilities for secure and trustworthy interactions in our increasingly interconnected world. By leveraging the unique features of palm recognition technology, Humanity Protocol is paving the way for a more secure and inclusive digital identity landscape.